Nearly that time of year again! Fundraising event Friday 10th November @8:30pm in the Granvue Hotel Omeath …with all proceeds helping towards Omeath Action Group/ Festival Of Christmas Lights. Let’s…


Women’s Aid Dundalk Outreach Drop In Clinic takes place here in the Dolmen Centre on Monday 18th September 2023 from 10am to 12 noon. Strictly Confidential.

REMINDER about the Men’s Group that takes place every Friday morning from 10.30am to 12.30pm in the Dolmen Centre Omeath. Call in for a chat and a cuppa.

Celebrating International Women’s Day Omeath Style….. What a fantastic morning we had in the Dolmen Centre in the company of so many wonderful Women…. We would like to thank Louth…

“Incredible Years Parent Programme” not to be missed beginning here in the Dolmen Centre on Thursday 9th March 2023 from 9.30am to 12 noon for 14 weeks. If interested please…