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About Us
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Our Story

Omeath District Development CLG is a social economy enterprise with a charitable status providing social, recreational, economic, employment and environmental services within a CLÁR designated area.

Omeath District Development CLG was formed in 1993 as a registered company and charity and is managed by a voluntary board of 8 Directors. The company is now recognised as the primary social/economic driver and facilitator of Community Development on the Cooley Peninsula.

The Company currently employs a manager and 5 employees under the POBAL CSP, a youth development worker (Steering & Sparring Programme) funded by the Department of Justice Community Safety & Innovation Fund, and 8 Community Employment employees.

We currently deliver a wide range of services, supports and programmes to the Community.

Services to promote and support the local Economy include the provision of the Dolmen Business Centre – a Virtual Office supporting SME’s, Tourism Promotion of the Cooley Peninsula by our Cooley Peninsula Undiscovered Programme, and are part of the steering committee for the Fáilte Ireland Carlingford & Cooley Peninsula tourism development plan. Services also include our social media channels, the provision of 5 SME incubation units for rental (Dolmen House) and the formation of a Tri-Lateral European Partnership (France, Croatia & Omeath).

Our recreational facilities include the Provision of a Play Park, Multi Sports Pitch, Zip Wire and Outdoor Adult Gym located through out sites in the village. Within The Dolmen Centre  we support the delivery of gymnastics, dance, music, art and drama classes, and in addition to the delivery of Community festivals and events we also host social inclusion events and community events in conjunction with the two primary schools in the village, and parish activities.               

Under our remit for Personal Development we currently host LMETB adult education programmes, and parental support delivered by the Genesis ABC Programme. We also provide a Safe Space in the Community for youth (Omeath Youth Café) and an Intervention Room for the delivery of addiction support and counselling.

The promotion of Welfare and Wellbeing in the Community encompasses our support and delivery of a Mother and Toddler Group, Active Retirement Group, weekly addiction support and intervention support , delivery of youth programmes including the hosting of a weekly Scouts and Cubs meetings, Box Fit and the Steering & Sparring Programme. The Company also administers the POBAL Senior Alert Scheme for the elderly and undertakes collaboration with agencies to address issues of concern raised by the Community, and personal intervention support.

Under our Environmental strategy we deliver a Village Enhancement Programme and as part of our Biodiversity Programme we have established an ECO Garden in the Dolmen Centre, planted a community orchard, conducted a bat survey, erected bat nesting boxes, conducted a river quality sampling, and erected bird nesting boxes.

Our Achievements

Meet our Staff






Biodiversity and Events Co-ordinator




Steering & Sparring Programme Co-ordinator


Events Co-ordinator