Sailors of Omeath. Many of them had leading roles to play on the high seas. One of these was James Morton of ‘Hillside’ Drummullagh. He became chief petty officer on the ‘Ark Royal’ a large merchant navy ship, we believe he was also asked back by the navy during the second world war to train new sailors. living also in Drummullagh we had Captain William Bailey living in a cottage by the sea named ‘Beach Combe’ He was a chief engineer on the ‘Queen Mary’ Also we had gentleman first name unsure of , second name O’Hanlon of LisLea whose ship was torpedoed in World war 2.We believe he survived for many days adrift on a raft at sea. It is nice to remember these men and their names as each and every trip to sea they were risking their lives. The people of omeath should be proud.